Monday, December 5, 2011

Draft 12/5

What were you trying to get a handle on?
What shots I need to make it more interesting.

What questions do you have for us?
If the audio is interesting, as in her story, or is it missing something?

Give us a sense of where you are going?
As of now I think I'm going to get some clips of the tree with the snow of them and see if they work in decently.

ACTUAL DRAFT/started over:


  1. Some of the transitions are a little weird, they don't flow too well. I am wondering what the connection between the trees and the house mother is. I really want to see a clear image of her face in some better lighting. Some of the audio over lapping should be changed. I really want to see her outside of the house as well as in the house or with more interaction with the girls. This isn't a bad start to this project though. I think what you captured her saying is right on I would just think about what to show that parallels what she is talking about.

  2. I'm not sure about using the tree shot. It seemed really out of place. All the lighting in the house is pretty dark and trees seem to contrast too much. maybe try shooting the trees under different light conditions

  3. What were you trying to get a handle on?
    What shots I need to make it more interesting.
    -I really didn't understand the tree shots. The camera wasn't steady, and it didn't connect. The last scene of the sunset, however was better.

    What questions do you have for us?
    If the audio is interesting, as in her story, or is it missing something?
    -The story keeps my interest when I watch it, and I feel as though it is resolved in the end: seeing that there is still time left.

    Give us a sense of where you are going?
    As of now I think I'm going to get some clips of the tree with the snow of them and see if they work in decently.
    -But what is the point of the trees and snow? Maybe the snow would work, to show a sense of changing seasons, as she seems to change in seasons a lot.
